
Missing you

thinking of you today Pete and holding you in our hearts and thoughts. Love, Mom, Dad and Paul

Year 7

Hard to believe it's been 7 years, Pete. Your dear friends and their growing families joined us again this year to celebrate your life and support each other in our grief. Paul shared our sorrow from California, unable to return home. This year's sadness was even more compounded in knowing that this will likely be the last time we will meet at the old homestead. A group picture (minus Hick's) seemed appropriate. The group now boasts 19 children and still growing. Your presence continues to be both felt and very missed. We enjoyed hearing old stories re-told and seeing the fine friendship and kindness that is still strong in this group. You will always be their glue, and we will always miss your great smile and charisma. Love, Mom xoxo


Happy birthday Pete!

Happy Birthday Pete

Happy birthday Pete. I imagine you have rallied the angels to join you in a celebration today. We wish you were here to share your day with us. We miss you today and everyday. Love always and forever, Mom xoxo


Happy birthday Pete!!