
my best friend

ok. so this is a little difficult for me to talk about butI figure this may be an appropriate time to bring up my favorite story of my best friend. So it begins. It's 7 or 8 months after college graduation, I have been living with Kim for 7 or 8 months I guess. Well we had gone engagement ring shopping just to try and get an idea of what she had in mind. She picked one out, and 2 months later when I planned on popping the question I realized I could not afford the ring she had picked out. Well, I was flat broke. I didn't know what to do, so I asked pete if he could help me out. To pete this wasn't a yes or no question. His immediate response was, "sure buddy, what do ya need?" The next day he gave me an envelope of cash, no ifs, ands, or buts. I asked him please not to tell anyone, and as far as I know other than me telling kim 2 years later, and maybe I let it slip on Monday, I don't think he told anyone. So. Here is to you buddy. I will never forget what you did for me. I love you like a brother, and I have for the last 20 years. Be nice to the angels.



"I have this feeling there's one more star up in the sky tonight. And even though it's far away, its brightness and warmth still reach us here to make the night a little less dark."

Pete and his Lady!!

First off I would like to start by saying I have really enjoyed reading the notes that people have put up so far, albeit hard but it is definitely good to hear the stories and the good times. I would like to take this time to share with you a couple of my own. As many of you know I tend to error on the side of humor in most situations so bear with me.

Pete Gruber and I met freshman year. We lived on the now famous 1 South Marycrest together along with many others. Which somehow became the best place to live freshman year. Maybe I am bias but that’s what I have heard people say. I have been shifting through the many stories that came as a result of our friendship that continues to this day and with so many I really struggled with what to say. And for those of you that are thinking this, because I know you all too well, I do remember all of them. I think the one most fitting for this blog, would be my fondest memory of Senior year, the year Pete and Leigh got it right. I am sure some of you have heard that I have a little song that goes with along with how Pete and Leigh finally ended up together after 3 years of fighting off the inevitable and how they fell in love. Some of you might think that you know where this song originated from but I can assure you it was written, recorded and performed on Trinity Ave. AKA the street we built. I will give you the short version seeing how everyone seems to be saying sorry for this being so long. Well hell, since this is my first ever post to a blog I am going to play the card that I don’t know any blogging etiquette (if that is even a phrase).

I would like to thank Rodo in advance for the help.

Richie: (Will be playing the part of Pete in the second verse)
Rodo: (Will be playing the part of Leigh in the second verse)

Richie: I can see what’s happing and they don’t have a clue.
Rodo: Who?
Richie: They’ll fall in love and here’s the bottom line our trio’s down to two.
Rodo: Oh

Can you feel the love tonight…………..

Richie: So many things to tell her but how to make her see.
Richie: The truth about my …………… she’ll turn away from me.

Rodo: He’s holding back he’s hiding but what I can’t decide
Rodo: Why won’t he be the Pete I know he is the Pete I see inside.

Can you feel the love tonight……..

As many of you know Leigh and Pete were the perfect couple. The song represents to me Pete’s good humor. I sang the song to them many times and each time Pete would give me one of his looks, which as you can imagine I knew what he was saying. But I knew deep down inside he loved it, because it was true. Pete and Leigh felt the love 24/7.

Leigh, as Pete’s friend I want to thank you for all the happy times you brought to Pete's life. I love you both. Pete I will miss you but will be thinking of you a lot.

somehow Pete made it into like 10 photos at my wedding? go figure

Little Reminders (cont.)

Funny that Butz should bring up Pete and music in his post. Earlier this week I heard Jay-Z on the radio and started thinking about Pete's taste in music. While he was obviously a vocal proponent of Jay-Z, what I remember the most is that, seemingly, every time I got into his Wrangler he was playing a Tracy Chapman CD. I never called him out on it because it though it was hysterical but Pete must have been the biggest Tracy Chapman fan in the 18-36 demographic. However I might give him a run for his money, the CD has been growing on me this past week.

My memories of Pete

In working with Pete the last 2 years I have gained a very close friend. Most of my work friends are just that - work friends. It doesn't transcend into personal friendship very often. With Pete, it was easy. The two of us found out that we had a lot more in common than just our dad's knowing each other.

This year, Pete became my partner in the company golf league. A memorable story or two there would be when the league cancelled due to rain and Pete and I snuck out onto the course anyways, playing perhaps the fastest 9 holes ever! The following week, when I hit my ball into a tree (not uncommon), he helped me look for it for a solid 10 minutes. We finally saw it... stuck high up in the actual tree. I told Pete I was determined to get that ball back after looking so hard. He shrugged his shoulders and hoisted me up into the tree to get it back!

It seemed like we were both going through the same stages in life. We always had a lot to talk about - especially when it meant getting away from the cube! Whether it be taking an extra fifteen minutes for lunch, taking an extended afternoon break in the cafeteria, or when (almost like clockwork) Pete would come over at 4:30 and say "I can't take it anymore. I can’t look at that computer anymore." Whatever we talked about, Pete was always a great listener and was very understanding. No matter what the situation was he would say, "Oh I understand. I understand." He always made you feel comfortable and could always lighten the mood with one of his smart-ass remarks!

Ok, I know this is getting long but I wanted to share the most recent memory I have of Pete. It was a week ago today when I was leaving for a wedding in Florida. It was the first wedding I had been to for people my age. Knowing Pete was a veteran of weddings (and what to wear to them), I went to him for advice on the rehearsal dinner. I told him I was thinking of wearing seersucker pants since it was a beach wedding. He agreed, and raised me one. He said he had bought a seersucker suit that would be perfect and that he had never worn it but that I should wear it. I mean, who does that? He hadn't even worn it once! Well I took him up on it and I wore it, and it broke my heart to unpack it after the weekend, but I will always remember Pete for that and for all the other things he did that made him a great friend. He truly was a selfless person and a genuine friend. I'm glad to have known him and will always remember him.

I love ya Pete!


I was trying to thing about what I could say about Pete, and there are no words that I can really write down to say how much my friendship with him meant to me. I can just remember back to the days in High School; in the Winter, we had our last class together and we used to write ourselves our own notes to get out of class, and make it to Perfect North Slopes by the time the rest of the school got out. Then in the spring, I don't think Mark, Pete and I ever seemed to leave the Glendale Lyceum, and if we did, it was go to work. Which brings me to the next memory, getting Pete fired from Rally's because we stopped by to get some free food from him and told him we were headed to go see American Pie the movie, and he said hold on and the next thing we knew he was walking out to go with us. That was not the only work experience that we had together, working at the candy shop in high school, the greenhouse, and who could forget the good times at Marycrest housekeeping (if you call that actually working).

After high school we ended those years with a bang by going on our senior class trip together visiting Paris, Barcelona, and London over a 10 day trip. The memories from that trip go on forever and will never forget being crammed into a boxcar train with 7 of the other guys on the trip for a period of 8 hours. And who can forget all the good times that we had over the years on the houseboat trips.

The college memories could run on forever but some of the ones that stick out in my head the most would have to be the random times we would all hangout in the circle and drink out of the big red cups, which resulted in a random road trip to Canada. Then of course there are all the good times from the ski trips and the Daytona trips. But the one that sticks out in my mind the most was the time after college when Pete, Shade and I went out to Steamboat and Pete booked us a hotel that was called "The Brass Rail" and he wondered why it had that type of name but they gave us really good rates. Well we found out that night when there were quite a few trains that passed by right outside of our window, but we had a blast that trip.

I will always miss you Pete and I will never forget all the good times that we had together!!!

Thanks for the memories Pete

Bollin's Wedding....A trio of fine looking gents

Miss you Petey

Pete was one of the saviors of my 2005 summer since I graduated a year behind all my UD friends(DONT YOU JUDGE ME). While all of you were hard at work, i was stuck at home submitting my resume relentlessly to P&G, and getting declined, and pulling my hair out from boredom. Thank the lord Pete was off on Wednesday's, and always available to play golf, giving me a much needed break each week away from the computer. Maybe that is the reason i did not get a job for 9 months haha, but i will never forget the times we had on the course together. Not only will i miss Pete on the course but i cannot help but think about how much i am going to miss Pete when the NFL season starts up. I hate Monday's more then anyone, but when football season started i knew i always had something to look fowrad to. Poker night at Pete and Buttz place. Every Monday Me, Kurt, Buttz and Pete were guaranteed to play Hold'em and watch the game, usually accompanied by Paul (Raise the Big Blind every time), Steve, Paul's brother and some of his buddies. I will especially miss the stories we shared, the beers drank, his devilish grin and going heads up against Pete. Hopefully we can keep this tradition going and keep getting together to play some cards and remember Peterman. I love you Pete. Thanks for being a great friend and always being there.

Mikey Bollin

Little Reminders

It's funny how the smallest thing can trigger a great memory. Sitting at my desk this morning, I put my headphones on and started sorting through my email when I heard a song that brought an instant smile to my face. It took me back to the very first time I ever met Pete, at the UD Freshman Picnic at Winton Woods. We met, talked and then talked some more. Apologies to Kurt in advance.... My greatest takeaway from that day was a conversation about a band I had never heard of until then, OAR.

Pete, Mark and Kurt were all fans, but none as intense as Kurt. He was a collector of concert paraphernalia: drum stick(s), t-shirts and most notably a sweat rag. When Kurt talked about his sweat rag "trophy" I started to scratch my head and wonder "who is the guy?" I was quickly introduced to Pete's great sense of humor and knack for keeping his friends grounded when he started to "lay into" Kurt about the ridiculous nature of his excitement. Funny thing is, that was a conversation that has spanned eight years now (sorry Kurt).

It was only a few weeks ago that Pete and I were sitting in our living room joking about UD memories, that story in particular, in amazement that our five year reunion was just around the corner. Eight years ago now seems like a quick blink of an eye, but the memories and Pete's legacy will continue to bless us all for the next 80 years and beyond.


Pete . . . what a joker!

It is safe to say that Pete was to me as he was to many . . . a great friend, someone you could ALWAYS rely on and confide in. Because we had this strong friendship we were able to pick on each other like brothers - and God could we be ruthless with one another. All week, I just keep thinking about all the great moments, and all the fun stories.
The one that springs to mind is a little prank Pete played on me almost a year ago. Pete and Richie were down in Atlanta to play golf over Labor Day weekend. Just a classic weekend full of hi-jinks. Mid-way through the weekend I found a photo copied picture of me and a lady-friend from a wedding we were at earlier in the year. I called Pete and Richie out telling them how lame that was, and that if it was me I would have at least done things right and brought 100 copies instead of just one picture.
That night we went out to eat and I left the table to relieve myself and found 3 more photos of me and my lady-friend taped in the bathroom at the Restaurant. At this point I knew I was in trouble and the boys had me beat. I tried to go back to the table and play like nothing happened, but the boys know me too well, they were giggling like school girls as I sat down trying to pretend I didn't care.
As of 3 weeks ago, I am still finding these damn pictures hidden around my apartment. For 9 months everytime I find a new picture I would call Pete and we could always have a laugh together even though we were a few hundred miles away.
I sit here today, and I can't wait until I am performing some mundane task around the apartment and I find the next hidden picture. When I find that picture I will call Richie and we will get to have one more laugh with our old friend.
I can't wait to see everyone and tell a bunch of shitty old stories. If anyone wants to talk, PLEASE don't hesitate to call me!

The Bus Trip that Pete Planned

So as many of you know, I took a Greyhound bus trip from Cincy home to St. Louis yesterday, all 9 hours worth. I called it, the "The Bus Trip that Pete Planned". "Why?" doesn't come as a shock to anyone, one more laugh at old Hicks as he endulges himself in a taste of society's finest.

Where to start? Maybe with Cincinnati, the beginning of my trip, where the smell of mary jane ran rampant in the entrance to the depot? Or maybe the young white guy with his father wearing black boots, black pants, a black cut-off shirt, black driving gloves (yes, driving gloves without the fingers) sporting a limp in his walk? Or maybe the guys who were picking a fight. Oh, I also don't want to forget the illustrious "bootyshaking" by some young ladies. Either way, this was only the beginning. I just thought, what would Pete say. "Ha Ha Ha" is what he would say in that devilish laugh of his.

After the short trip to Indianapolis, and a much needed nap, I was once again thrust into another venture with our countries finest inhabitants. Lets start with how many times I saw weed... three times. How many times I was asked for papers... twice. How many times was I asked if I wanted a sip of "something" by a man from Daytona's paper bag... once. And to top it all off, this same Daytona "local" was quite vocal about his constipation before his ride to Detroit in the public restroom during my two hour layover. I just thought again to myself, boy would Pete love this story.

So the bus pulled away and I gave a quick "Westside" to my newfound homies and I was on to the next town, Effingham, Illinois, home of the largest cross. As the bus ride went on, I figured, this can't get much more uncomfortable can it? Maybe just a little, it seems as if my good luck outside the bus had now come into the bus. We'll start with the annoying Australian chick, the one who looked as if the bus was a short stop on her save the world mission (Zlatic knows what I'm saying). It was easily the only time I didn't think a foreign accent was hot. And to boot, she had the bus driver turn down the A/C, which in turn made me sweat profusely from my underarms, as usual. Lastly there was the extremely overweight man who talked to much, and the other large man who snored loudly.

Almost home I thought, Pete is just laughing his ass off up there. I accepted that laughter and laughed with him, tearing up with my head held high and thinking of his perspective on life.

There is so much more to tell and say about this trip but I realize I'm getting a little long here. So I'll leave this story at... Pete, you were that special friend, that one who went the extra mile, even when it meant spending money. I'll always remember you as my lifelong friend and now, all of our guardian angel. Thanks for the great trip and the many laughs we shared.

Pete's Claim to Fame

Murray's.... Classic. He's the only one who ever had the guts to order a fried bolonga sandwich...
We miss you, Pete. Your memory will live forever in our hearts.

The 5am Ouija board session. So much fun!

Memories as bright as Pete's blue eyes! You'll always be able to bring a smile to our faces. : )

A True Honor & Blessing

Some pictures from Daytona ... and a picture of some UD Flyers at the wedding last month. A true honor & blessing to have such an amazing friend to all in our lives, Pete - we love you tremendously and you will continue to live on in all of our hearts.

Just a couple more fun times.... Much love...

Some of the good times

Just thought a few pics might brighten up the page.. I miss you all
Love, Carly

Hummer and the Couch

Kraft called me yesterday to remind me of the time that we took everything from the basement of 1912 and threw it in Pete's room while he and Leigh were sleeping. And I mean EVERYTHING. Newspapers, an inner tube, garbage, clothing, shoes, anything we could find. Then Hummer came tumbling down the basement stairs with the biggest part of the sectional couch. We propped it up in that tiny doorway and on counts of 3 we all lunged at the couch until we got it in his very small room... all while he slept.

The best part of it was that Leigh got up in the middle of it and helped us crazies to get all of this stuff on top of Pete. She denied it to Pete the next day until the video came out and she was busted. Oh yes, we caught it all on film and played the part of Hummer tumbling with the couch, over and over and over.

I know there are other great videos out there of doing crazy stuff to and with Pete. I think about those times a lot and can't help but laugh a little out loud. =) Miss you friend.


Simple reminder

I was getting ready for bed last night and noticed a picture frame on one of my book shelves. It stopped me in my tracks because I saw a picture of Pete in it, but then realized the entire frame was a gift from him. A couple months back we had a housewarming party for our newly remodeled apartment (which Pete had so nicely brought a washer up 3 flights of steps with his hernia and all a few months before that). Inside the frame were Polaroid pictures from my wedding. At one point (late in the night) Pete and Butz hijacked the camera, but the pictures taken were quite memorable. Pete had simply created a collage of these and framed them. So simple, but something that was so appreciated because it was so unexpected. I guess like a million things this week, the frame made me think of him and what a blessing he has been in my life.



Hi Everyone,
As you can see, this is a place to laugh, remember and show our love for Pete. Please feel free to post your thoughts and memories and connect with Pete's family and friends. Looking forward to hearing from everyone.


A big thanks to Katie Hicks for getting this up and running.