
A year ago this day

Hard to believe that one year ago this evening Pete's body finally surfaced from the depths of Norris Lake. I reminisced this morning on my drive to work about how difficult this memory must be for the boaters who found him and the shock they must have felt. We are grateful to them for guarding Pete's body and helping with the recovery. We hope they have been able to put aside the memory and nightmare of such a vision. Our thanks go out to them for their kindness.

Thirty five days of waiting for Pete's recovery seemed like such torture last year. Little did we know that the same 35 days this year would still be as heartbreaking. This new normal is such a contrast to the wonderful summer days that we enjoyed as a family.

The fireflies are spectacular this year Pete. I can only hope that their lightning spark looks like stars to you in heaven. And we're sitting here in the midst of these stars, missing you.

Love always,



Scholarship Winner

Meet Elliot Hidy, he is the recipient of the 1st Annual Peter Gruber Memorial Scholarship. Elliot will attend Moeller this fall as a freshmen. We could not be more satisfied with our choice to represent Moeller High School and the Gruber family.