
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!



Way to go, Elliot !!!

Today's mail brought joy and tears. Elliot, the first pete gruber scholarship winner, sent a letter with GREAT news......Elliot made the HONOR ROLL!!!! He says its the first time ever for him to have the grades to do this. He is so very excited and shared the news of all his volunteer and club activities (Varsity Football Manager, service work in Over the Rhine, volunteer at Sunrise Assisted Living).

We are proud of how hard you are working Elliot and Pete reminds you to ENJOY the Moeller experience!!!

Helene,Bob and Paul
Your biggest fans!

St Gabriel Class of 1996 Tree

We have been racking our brain cells trying to post a copy of the St Gabriel Church Bulletin on the blog. After 4 weeks, we have resigned ourselves to waiting until Dan visits or Paul comes home to get it posted. But here are the details about one incredible class and a beautiful fall day.

Pete's former grade school classmate, Julie Joseph, organized the Class of 1996 to plant a tree on the school grounds in Pete's memory. On Saturday October 3, 2009, half of the class and parents, friends, family, former principal and teacher, and Fr Fay came together to dedicate a brilliantly colored red-wine maple tree in front of the school building. Tom Joseph later mounted and secured a granite engraved plaque in front of the tree. In addition to the tree, the Class also gave a sizable donation to Pete's scholarship fund.

The days leading up to the memorial event were gray and gloomy, but on Oct 3rd, the sun burst out and the beautiful crisp fall day added to the scene. Our spirits were buoyed not only by the sunshine, but the love of so many young people. Our pride in that class has never diminished over all these years. Our Pete was so fortunate to have shared a special bond with so many great families and friends from St Gabriel.

We are thankful to the Joseph family, Fr Fay and the Class of 1996 for remembering our son with such kindness and caring. It means a lot to us to know that Pete is not forgotten.

The Gruber's


Never to be Forgotten...

Butz’s wedding was last night – a beautiful ceremony, and a great party at the reception. I left last night with such a wonderful feeling- feeling so blessed to have met so many wonderful friends at UD – it seems whenever we get together not a moment has passed since we graduated. Pete was remembered and missed throughout this day of celebration.

Please be assured that Pete was thought about each and every moment. While singing “Livin on a Prayer” or jamming to “Midnight Train to Georgia,” Pete was there in all of our hearts. I pictured him smiling while watching Zach pretend that he was Gladys Knight, or laughing hysterically while Paul performed “Billie Jean.” He was definitely smiling down as Dan pondered about the roast beef lamps.

Even though Pete couldn’t physically be with us, please know that he is living in our hearts, always. We all have a little piece of Pete within us, and will hold on to those moments forever.


Celebration in Heaven today

Grandma Busam died peacefully in Hospice last night. We talked about her watching out for Pete's antics, but then, she knows him well enough to stay one step ahead of him!

I am certain that Pete would have been all torn up over his Grandmother's short illness and death journey, had he been here. I have to believe that God is good and that there is a plan for everything, including the magnificent celebration of a grandmother and first born grandchild reuniting.

Rest in peace my loved ones.

Helene/ Mom


New Pete

Welcome to the world, Connor Pete Scherzinger!! We know that Peter is smiling large from heaven on his namesake! Best wishes to Kurt and Alicia......life comes full circle and we thank you for including us in your joy and new life!

Helene, Bob and Paul


A year ago this day

Hard to believe that one year ago this evening Pete's body finally surfaced from the depths of Norris Lake. I reminisced this morning on my drive to work about how difficult this memory must be for the boaters who found him and the shock they must have felt. We are grateful to them for guarding Pete's body and helping with the recovery. We hope they have been able to put aside the memory and nightmare of such a vision. Our thanks go out to them for their kindness.

Thirty five days of waiting for Pete's recovery seemed like such torture last year. Little did we know that the same 35 days this year would still be as heartbreaking. This new normal is such a contrast to the wonderful summer days that we enjoyed as a family.

The fireflies are spectacular this year Pete. I can only hope that their lightning spark looks like stars to you in heaven. And we're sitting here in the midst of these stars, missing you.

Love always,



Scholarship Winner

Meet Elliot Hidy, he is the recipient of the 1st Annual Peter Gruber Memorial Scholarship. Elliot will attend Moeller this fall as a freshmen. We could not be more satisfied with our choice to represent Moeller High School and the Gruber family.


It's been a year today since I received the news from Kurt. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had that same feeling in my stomach this morning, the shock, disbelief, I almost threw up. Then I went to my computer and looked back at some emails that I had accidently saved. The picture of pete's head after the paintball accident at kellen's bachelor party. There was a friendly rant between Ackerman and Pete about the bengals and packers filled with choice words. These all brought a smile to my face. I can picture him giggling to himself as he sent them, everyone knows that little devilish laugh he does when he is up to no good. I am starting to ramble. It was great to see so many people on sunday, which is completely reflectant of the person Pete was. I hope to see everyone again soon.



Heavenly Birthday

I woke up this morning and wondered what a year's time is like in heaven. I can only imagine that it is nothing like how time passes on earth. It seems unbelievable that Pete has been gone from us for a whole year. Happy re-birth Pete!

Today's impending anniversary was made less painful by the comfort and support of so many people. Thank you friends for the cards that arrived, the blogsite postings, the flowers and plants sent or dropped at our door, the journal booklet created by loving co-workers, Pete's friends who came calling last evening, friends and family who called and shared tears, sisters and mother who came to share the day, the Norris Lake friends and detectives who remembered us, the tokens of love left at Pete's grave site, and all those who continue to keep us in your hearts and prayers. We are comforted and thank you for carrying Pete and us in your memory and care.

One of the many cards that arrived Saturday came from someone we never met in Saginaw, MI. The touching note seems to sum up our Pete's character and life. It reads: "It's been nearly a year and I still think of Pete quite often. I worked with Pete. He was my home office underwriter who handled quite a few of my agencies like a veteran. He was loved by his agencies. He was loved by me. My agencies fondly bring up his memory during many of my agency visits. You should be proud of how Pete turned out. We are all given a lifetime by our creator. Pete made the most of it....". Thank you Mark Kinzer for your kindness and affirmation of the special son and man our Peter was.

Tomorrow is the St Gabriel School graduation and the first recipient of the Pete Gruber Memorial Scholarship to Moeller High School will be announced. We thank Dan Rodenfels and Kurt Scherzinger for assisting with the selection of the young man who carries similar qualities of Pete. But more about that person after the award is made! The UD/ Cinti circle of friends have indicated a desire to annually support Pete's scholarship fund. After tossing around golf outings ideas, I think the majority have agreed that the Sunday before Memorial Day will become known as the Pete Gruber Memorial Bash! An outdoor gathering of friends with dining, music and an evening venue in Pete's memory seems just the right event that Pete would appreciate. So please hold this date for next year and future years. A planning committee will put together and communicate details. And where will the event be held next year? Why the same site as many of the Pete Gruber soiree's....the Gruber homestead in Glendale!

Rodger and Lisa Brown called this afternoon to describe the day at Norris Lake. They were heading out to Pete's accident site to place roses. In all the tragedy and pain of Pete's loss, we have found that love and goodness prevails. "Through all its' sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world" and life.

Love to everyone and our deepest thanks.

And to you Pete, our son and brother, we know you are in a fabulous place and we look forward to our time together again.

Love always,
Helene (Mom)

Missing You...

I cannot believe it has been a year...a year without my friend Pete's laugh, smile, bright blue eyes, jokes, comfort...
I cannot believe it has been a year...a year ago this morning when I recieved a call that I never wanted to receive, that one of my best friends was gone...
I cannot believe it has been 5 years...5 years since graduating with the most amazing people I have ever met and knowing that one will be missing as we congregate for our reunion in June...

Although it has been a year, we continue to be strong, carrying Pete's memory on. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of Pete. I have a picture of the two of us at my office, it is by far one of my favorites...it's of the two of us from our graduation party when Pete and I got into a cake fight. We have cake all over our faces, in our hair, on our clothes, and we are wearing the hugest smiles. That picture, among others, reminds me daily of the way Pete made us all feel and I never want to forget that feeling. Whenver all of us Flyers get together, we have a great time, and although we often feel that void that Pete once filled, we know that he is smiling down on us and enjoying a party himself up in Heaven.

We will all be thinking of Pete in a few weeks as we join together as the class of 2004 at our reunion at the good ole' University of Dayton. I am sure we will make several trips up to the tree we planted/dedicated to Pete and reminisce the memories we all shared together.

I miss you Pete, today and every day. And to the Grubers and Leigh, my hearts and prayers are with you every day.

Love, Mel
Not a day has gone by over this past year that Pete hasn't crossed my mind. I hope Leigh, Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Gruber find solace in knowing that everday when I have thought of Pete the memories have brought a smile to my face. I'll toast in Pete's memory today and smile once again.

Love Always,
Alison Gettings


Missing Peterman

I'm sitting here about to head over to the Gruber's for a memorial cookout for Pete and can't forget one of the worst calls that someone could get. That was that their best friend and someone that they considered as close as a brother had gone missing. I miss Pete everyday but when it hits me the most is when I go to do something that we either used to enjoy with our friends together or a place we used to frequent.
Pete will definately be missed at the five year reunion this summer when the group of friends that he brought together all meets up to relive their 4 or in some cases 5 years spent at the great University of Dayton. The one good thing is that he will be on campus with us through that time both in soul and through his memorial tree.
His memory will live through all of us as we all remember how he touched each one of our lives. Miss you Peterman!!!!!


Thinking about you Pete!

This is something I put together about 2 months ago when I was missing my buddy. I felt this was as good a time as any to remind everyone of Pete's legacy . . .

Here we are, the summer of 2009 is upon us. For many this will be a time of celebrations . . . golfing with friends, barbeques, fireworks, and weddings. For our tight-knit group of Dayton graduates it will be a time of reflection. Memorial Day will mark the one year reminder of the day our friend, brother, and son disappeared into the depths of Norris Lake.

I remember it like it was yesterday, I was home visiting my parents, and me and the old man decided to play 18 holes with my best friend from home and his dad. I was in good company. We teed off at 9 o’clock and the typical chatter began on the golf course. I was playing well, and as we made the turn I was eager to grab a snack and keep the momentum going. As I went into the clubhouse I grabbed my phone and walked inside, my dad put in a quick order and I checked my phone to find 10 missed calls and 5 new voicemails. To have all these voicemails on a holiday and a Monday morning no less, was all very strange. As I began to work my way through the voicemails I could sense the despair in everyone’s voices, but no one would say anything more than, “call me”.

I started with Richie. He was at home in Indianapolis and broke the news to me . . . he explained that Pete had jumped off the back of a boat on Norris Lake and never came back up to the surface. Our friend and roommate Pete Gruber was gone.

Friends and family flocked to the Gruber’s home. People moved in and out over the next several weeks doing what they could to help Pete’s family understand this horrific tragedy. I am not sure that I fully grasped what had happened until the next day when I was flying home to Atlanta. It was still all too big to understand.

The aftermath didn’t clear things up for anyone. We proceeded with a wake at Pete’s old high school, a mass at his old grade school, and a Celebration of Pete’s Life in the community of Glendale where he grew up. All this happened while Pete’s body was still somewhere in Norris Lake. Thirty days after he went missing a sheriff who was on patrol found Pete Gruber. Pete’s family and friends proceeded by giving him a proper burial in Cincinnati.

For many this is where the story ends, but for our tight-knit group of Flyers, Pete’s memory and spirit continues to live on. This Memorial Day will mark one year that he has been gone. I feel compelled to remind everyone of the virtues Pete lived out in his day-to-day life as a Dayton Flyer and there after.

Our class mantra was to, Lead, Learn, and Serve. I can’t think of anyone who was a more fitting example of these three virtues. Pete was a natural leader, he brought people together. It wasn’t something he learned, it was just who he was. Pete was the glue that held everyone together, and that became even more evident after he left us. I can say without hesitation that I am friends with many of the people I know today because of Pete. He lived on my floor freshmen year, and people were drawn to him. He became the nucleus of our group and really most of the first floor. Pete led by example . . . for his younger brother and for his many friends. Pete also comes from a large family, and of his many cousins he was the eldest, and clearly the “leader”.

Pete’s learning didn’t stop the day that the University of Dayton issued him a diploma. At the time of his death he continued to learn and expand his professional knowledge. Pete was working for Cincinnati Financial and always seemed to be studying for a new designation. Not the most exciting material, but he understood the importance of continuing to grow. Pete was also an avid golfer, and believe me when I tell you he was always trying to learn how to improve his game.

The year after we graduated, Pete’s mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Pete didn’t really say too much to anyone about this, but he immediately took up the cause. Helping him mom through treatments and raising money for research by leading teams in the Breast Cancer Walks. It wasn’t until my last visit with Pete, that I discovered he was involved in another cause, The Joe Busam Foundation, which was set-up in honor of Pete’s deceased uncle. Pete never really said too much about it, but he knew the importance of giving back through service to the community, and continued to do so long after he walked off campus at the University of Dayton.

Pete continues to be an example to us all. His body is gone, but his spirit lives on through the Flyer Faithful. Our tight-knit group has become even closer. We continue to check in on one another as Pete always used to. We will continue to try and live up to Pete’s example of Leadership, Learning, and Service.

- Dan Rodenfels


Our last day

Today is the anniversary of the last day Bob and I spent with Pete. True to his good nature, Pete spent the day in the yard with us helping to spread a huge compost pile in the beds. He was humoring me and my love for gardening with his help and gentle kindness. We talked about new flower beds we would add for the next summer for his wedding in the backyard. It was a beautiful sunny day, like today, and with nature in full bloom, it was a perfect setting for a great memory of his face. He was rushing at the end of the day to meet up with Leigh and our parting was familiar but hurried. I do remember that he hugged both of us; we said our "I love you's"; I told him to be careful, and he left with that huge smile and endearing charm that was his trademark. If only I had known then.....

I hope this is a glorious day in heaven Pete, like it is here on earth. Thanks for being such a loving and kind son. I miss you and love you beyond words. I cannot believe that a full year has gone by already. It seems like just yesterday. I pray that your memory remains this vivid and fresh always.

Forever your loving Mom


Mother's Day

I miss you Pete.
I love you. Always have. Always will.


Lil' Pete and Moeller update

The LaFollette Search and Rescue Team from the LaFollette TN Fire Dept called today. They are in receipt of the funds that our community and friends donated for Pete's search efforts. With these funds they have purchased an underwater camera system and two deep dive suits for future rescues. And they have dubbed the camera "Lil' Pete"..... We hope they never need to use this equipment but should it be needed, they now have the proper resources to assist other families with more quick recoveries. Thank you again to so many loving people who made this equipment purchase possible.

The Pete Gruber Memorial Scholarship Fund will select a St Gabriel student next month and distribute a Moeller High School scholarship for the fall. We are finalizing all the gifting requirements and will begin to review applications soon.

Thanks to everyone for helping us carry Pete's spirit and love forward.

Bob and Helene

The Cemetery Calling

Bob, Paul and I arrived home late Saturday to a jam packed voicemail box with good wishes and kind remembrances for Pete's birthday. One message struck me as really funny. It was from the Cemetery office. They were calling to report that they had " a lot of noticeable traffic to our plot" and the groundskeeper had reported a concern with decorations violation. They advised us that they recognized that it was a very special day for us, family and friends and they did not want to diminish that, but the decorations, well, especially the streamers, banners and stuff that would bleed in rain and stain the monument had to go. And go it did, I am told by visitors. Cracks me up. We just might get banned from the cemetery. I can just hear Pete hooting about that right now!

Bob and I did visit the gravesite on Sunday morning and found the monument cleared but all the grave marker decorations intact. Thank you everyone for your love and continuing support. I see how much you miss Peterman too.

Love ,


Today Pete would be 27

Bob and I trekked to Annini Beach here on Kauai this morning to have a good long cry and remember this day 27 years ago that brought us so much happiness. We wrote a huge message in the sand, thanking the Lord for our Pete. When we returned, we found so many email messages from you, his friends, and the blog postings. We have lost a precious son but in return, he left an amazing network of friends behind. Somedays it is still hard to believe he is gone from us. And then, love and support come our way from you, and we are blessed.

In fact, my sister Barb met up with Mike Bollin at Pete's grave today. She decorated his newly placed monument in our absence and Mike assisted her with the crazy deco's.

I find lots of things left on Pete's grave and it comforts me to know that you loved him too and miss him as much as we do.

We are intending to have a birthday celebration dinner tonight in Pete's honor. But it is raining now in Kauai and perhaps that is just symbolic of our hearts. I'm still hopeful that when the rain passes, we can sit outdoors poolside and open the chilled champagne for Pete. We're sure that this celebration does not match the one Pete is enjoying in heaven today! And as you well know, how he loved to celebrate his birthday!!!!

Much love. Mahalo and aloha!


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Pete...I miss you today and everyday.
Mr & Mrs Gruber and Paul, you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.

Love you!!


On your birthday...

Missing you on your birthday, Pete. Thinking about the Gruber family today and everyday.

Love Always,

Miss you Buddy