

I was trying to thing about what I could say about Pete, and there are no words that I can really write down to say how much my friendship with him meant to me. I can just remember back to the days in High School; in the Winter, we had our last class together and we used to write ourselves our own notes to get out of class, and make it to Perfect North Slopes by the time the rest of the school got out. Then in the spring, I don't think Mark, Pete and I ever seemed to leave the Glendale Lyceum, and if we did, it was go to work. Which brings me to the next memory, getting Pete fired from Rally's because we stopped by to get some free food from him and told him we were headed to go see American Pie the movie, and he said hold on and the next thing we knew he was walking out to go with us. That was not the only work experience that we had together, working at the candy shop in high school, the greenhouse, and who could forget the good times at Marycrest housekeeping (if you call that actually working).

After high school we ended those years with a bang by going on our senior class trip together visiting Paris, Barcelona, and London over a 10 day trip. The memories from that trip go on forever and will never forget being crammed into a boxcar train with 7 of the other guys on the trip for a period of 8 hours. And who can forget all the good times that we had over the years on the houseboat trips.

The college memories could run on forever but some of the ones that stick out in my head the most would have to be the random times we would all hangout in the circle and drink out of the big red cups, which resulted in a random road trip to Canada. Then of course there are all the good times from the ski trips and the Daytona trips. But the one that sticks out in my mind the most was the time after college when Pete, Shade and I went out to Steamboat and Pete booked us a hotel that was called "The Brass Rail" and he wondered why it had that type of name but they gave us really good rates. Well we found out that night when there were quite a few trains that passed by right outside of our window, but we had a blast that trip.

I will always miss you Pete and I will never forget all the good times that we had together!!!

1 comment:

Chris Shade said...

Kurt, man those times in Daytona and Steamboat were fantastic. I can't count began to qualify the good times we had in Colorado... remember when Pete woke up with Rob rubbing his butt. I was crying when Pete came into the living room tell us the story.

One of the items that I took away from vacationing with Pete was that he would never wear a watch on vacation. He would say, "It is vacation. I will do want I want, when I want. I don't have/need a schedule." Which he also probably followed with "Yes, I'll pay the extra dollar for the floater of 151."

Also, the name of the hotel in Steamboat that Pete booked was call the "Iron Horse," as in what Native American's called a train.